Nishita Desai (निशिता देसाई)
Ramanujan Fellow
Department of Theoretical Physics
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Homi Bhabha Road, Navy Nagar, Colaba
Mumbai 400005, India.
Publications: inSPIRE, Google, arXiv
Codes: Pythia 8,
I am a particle physicist interested in studying physics
Beyond the Standard Model (BSM). My expertise lies in
performing detailed simulations of collision events to
determine predictions of new theories for experiments like
ATLAS and CMS at the LHC, and conversely, in using observed
data from these experiments to restrict new theories.
Upcoming Reinterpretation Forum Workshop (12 - 15 Dec 2022) on Indico
Upcoming LLP workshop (31 Oct - 4 Nov 2022) on Indico
[Sep 2022] New paper 2209.03932
Elementary Particle Physics (Autumn 2019)
Collider Physics and Monte Carlo Simulation (Spring 2021, Spring 2022)