Bring your own

Phase Diagram

Puddles at sunset
December 13 and 14, 2010
Lecture room AG 69, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai 400005, India
byopd at theory dot tifr dot res dot in

Help for Visitors

Bring your own Phase Diagram

The Phase Diagram of QCD

(Bring Your Own)

General Information

This satellite workshop to ICPAQGP 2010 will focus on the phase diagram of QCD and various signals related to it — fluctuations, jet quenching, hydrodynamic signals, heavy quarks and onia, etc.

The meeting will be held on December 13 (Monday) and 14 (Tuesday), 2010, in the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. There is no conference fee.

The program

The complete timetable now includes the pdf/ppt files of the talks.

Practical information

Prepaid taxis are available from both the domestic and international airports. TIFR lies in the extreme southern end of Mumbai (see this map of Mumbai). TIFR is easily reached from most hotels in south Mumbai by taxi or bus. The workshop will take place in lecture room AG 69 of the Tata Institute of Fundamental research (see also the layout plan of TIFR).

Students are accommodated in the guest house. If you are accommodated in the guest house, then, on arrival in TIFR please proceed directly to the guest house and check in. Mention the name of the conference while checking in. If you want to have your dinner in campus then the options are the canteen (check the canteen timings) and a small cafetaria which runs in the ground floor of the building called Jagadish (this is open till about midnight).

The temperature in Mumbai in December is around 25—30 Celcius. No rain is expected, but you may want to check the satellite photo for the day.

Copyright: Sourendu Gupta; Last modified on 22 Feb, 2025.