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Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Journal Club

Date: November 17 and November 24, 2008
Title: Quasi long Range Order in Classical Antiferromagnets on the Kagome lattice
Speaker: Kabir Ramola
  1. "Long range spin order in the classical kagome antiferromagnet: effective Hamiltonian approach " by Christopher L. Henley [arXiv:cond-mat.str-el]
  2. "Classical antiferromagnets on the Kagomé lattice" by David A. Huse and Andrew D. Rutenberg [Phys.Rev.B] [from Rutenberg's site]
  3. "Hidden order in a frustrated system: Properties of the Heisenberg Kagomé antiferromagnet" by J. T. Chalker, P. C. W. Holdsworth, and E. F. Shender [Phys.Rev.Lett.]
Abstract: The classical Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the Kagome lattice is a highly frustrated system. As T→0 , the free energy of the spin-mode fluctuations causes ordering into a coplanar state, in which all spins lie in the same plane of spin space pointing in just three directions (120° apart) [3]. It is argued that this state develops a long range order and the √3×√3 state is selected in the T→0 limit [1,2]. The talk is a presentation of the arguements developed in these papers.