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Created: Sep 95. Updated: Jul 02.

Delhi Durbar

Colaba Causeway. Khichda 92/-, Mutton Dopiyaza 98/- [07/02].

The Delhi Durbar on Colaba Causeway has maintained a rather good standard of food for more than five years now. If you stopped going there during the early '90s, then you might want to take another look at it now. In the last few years we have become habitues.

On our last visit we decided not to have the usual dal and Tandoori Chicken, or their mainstay, the Dabba Gosht. We looked for the day's specials and found a Khichda. Was this new, or just something that we hadn't noticed before? We asked for it and the Mutton Dopiyaza.

The Dopiyaza was rather good, and on other days we might have spent more time over it. But it was completely overshadowed by the Khichda. This was undoubtedly the best that we have had in a restaurant.

A couple of other things you may want to know. Watch out for the "Arab" somethings or the other when ordering: this keyword means that the dish contains zero chillies. They have also been rather good at home delivery: the food reaches home in considerably less than an hour.