Reading List: Classical Mechanics, 2011
Main textbooks
- Classical Mechanics by
- Mechanics by
- Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics by
Please make it a point to read the relevant sections of all three books soon after a lecture, and before the next lecture. The three books have quite distinct emphasis: Goldstein's is a classic textbook, Landau's book is highly conceptual, and Arnold's has a mathematical flavour.
Reference books
- Modern Analysis by
- Mathematica by
- Digital Library of Mathematical Functions by
- Handbook of Mathematical Functions by
Expository material
Advanced reading
- When effective theories predict: the inevitability of Mercury's anomalous perihelion precession by [arxiv:1106.1568]
- Galilean Electromagnetism by [Nuovo Cimento, 14 (1973) 217]
We will work through at least one of these papers in class. Anyone who is interested is welcome to work through more.
Copyright: Sourendu Gupta; Last modified on 22 Feb, 2025.