Bibliography: The phase diagram of QCD
- Critical Behavior at Finite Temperature Confinement Transitions
Nucl.Phys.B210:423,1982 - Discusses the order parameter and its symmetries for the thermal (deconfining) phase transition in a pure gauge theory; argues that the long-distance effective theory is a short ranged scalar theory for the order parameter field; sets up universality arguments for the phase transition.
- Remarks on the Chiral Phase Transition in Chromodynamics
Phys.Rev.D29:338-341,1984 - Considers the (chiral) thermal phase transition in a theory with massless quarks through a linear σ model. Uses the ε expansion to argue about the order of the phase transition with and without the anomaly.
- Signatures of the tricritical point in QCD
Phys.Rev.Lett.81:4816-4819,1998 [hep-ph/9806219] - Considers the phase diagram of QCD (with quarks) at finite temperature and baryon chemical potential. Discusses a tri-critical point in the chiral limit which turns into a critical end point of a coexistence line when the quark mass is finite.
- The Status of lattice QCD at finite temperature
Ann.Rev.Nucl.Part.Sci.53:163-198,2003 [hep-ph/0303042] - A survey of the status of thermal QCD and its phase diagram as it was at the end of the last century, just before the new developments at finite chemical potential.
- The Phase diagram of QCD at small chemical potentials
arXiv:0712.0434 - Consideration of the complete phase diagram of QCD. From thermodynamics alone, using basic information from the lattice, much can be said about the nature of the complete -dimensional phase diagram.
Copyright: Sourendu Gupta; Last modified on 3 Nov, 2010.