Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
5-9 December, 2005
Mail: srhic [at] theory.tifr.res.in
Fax: +91-22-2280-4610 and +91-22-2280-4611
Secretary: Mohan Shinde

Speakers include

M. Creutz (BNL)
S. Datta (BNL)
F. Gelis (Saclay)
F. Karsch (BNL)
E. Laermann (Bielefeld)
M. Laine (Bielefeld)
M.-P. Lombardo (Frascati)
A. Nakamura (Hiroshima)
J.-Y. Ollitrault (Saclay)
K. Rajagopal (MIT)
G. Roland (MIT)
A. M. Srivastav (Bhubaneshwar)
D. K. Srivastava (Kolkata)

Supercomputing Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collision Physics

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai

5-9 December, 2005


Final Circular

The meeting will be held in TIFR in lecture rooms AG 66 and AG 69 on the ground floor of the main institute building. The registration counter will open in AG 69 15 minutes before the opening of the conference.

We have collected local information in the web page http://theory.tifr.res.in/~srhic/local.html. The physics program for the meeting is ready. You can view it now at the address http://theory.tifr.res.in/~srhic/talks.html. These pages can be reached from the main page of the workshop by following links for "practicalities" and "talks". The talks page will eventually become the index page of the web proceedings, when it is linked to the electronic version of your talks. In order to accomplish this, we will need your talk in ppt, pdf or ps format.

Part of the workshop consists of discussion on the focus groups. We would like you to participate in one or more of these. It would be very nice if you could preregister for the focus groups by sending mail to the addresses in the "talks" and "practicalities" web pages.

First Circular

Relativistic heavy-ion collisions at Brookhaven and CERN have produced dense matter in the laboratory. In the last few years, both experiment and theory have become precise enough to be compared quantitatively. There has also been increasing interaction between various realms of theory, such as weak coupling theory, thermal and hydrodynamical modelling and lattice gauge theory, in order to sharpen predictions for experiments. The purpose of this meeting is to bring together experts in lattice gauge theory with other theorists and experimentalists working in heavy-ion physics to review and discuss different aspects of this field.

We would like to invite you to give a plenary talk appropriate to the theme. We look forward to a quick and favourable reply.

Created on Apr 8, 2005. Last modified on Aug 4, 2005.