Supercomputing Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collision Physics
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
5-9 December, 2005
Physics motivation
Relativistic heavy-ion collisions at Brookhaven and CERN have produced dense matter in the laboratory. In the last few years, both experiment and theory have become precise enough to be compared quantitatively. There has also been increasing interaction between various realms of theory, such as weak coupling theory, thermal and hydrodynamical modelling and lattice gauge theory, in order to sharpen predictions for experiments.
The purpose of this meeting is to bring together experts in lattice gauge theory with other theorists and experimentalists working in heavy-ion physics to review and discuss different aspects of this field.
Time and Place
The workshop will be held in the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai in December, 2005.
Email: srhic[at]
Fax: +91-22-2280-4610 and +91-22-2280-4611