Tables of data published as figures
- Hadronic Screening with Improved Taste Symmetry
[Phys. Rev. D 87, 094001 (2013)] [arXiv:1302.4917] - Data used in all the figures are collected in this tar gzipped file. It will unpack into a directory containing 31 ascii files, each named after a single figure and containing the data that went into that figure.
- Scale for the phase-diagram of Quantum Chromodynamics
[Science 332:1525-1528,2011] [arXiv:1105.3934] - Data in the figures are taken from the tables for arxiv:1001.3796.
- Quasi-static probes of the QCD plasma
[Phys. Rev. D 83, 074510 (2011)] [arXiv:1102.4465] - Data used in all the figures are collected in this tar gzipped file. It will unpack into a directory containing 22 ascii files, each named after a single figure and containing the data that went into that figure.
- QCD at finite density
PoS LATTICE2010:007,2010 [arXiv:1101.0109] - Data used in Figure 6 (valence quark mass dependence of the radii of convergence at TE) are given in this table.
- Continuum Thermodynamics of the GluoN_c Plasma
Phys.Rev.D82:114505,2010 [arXiv:1006.0938] - Thermodynamic quantities plotted in figures 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 are collected in this tar file, which contains one file each for SU(3), SU(4) and SU(6) theories. Figure 10 uses the critical couplings determined (and collected) in arXiv:0909.5591.
- Lattice QCD predictions for shapes of event distributions along the
freezeout curve in heavy-ion collisions
Phys.Lett.B696:459-463,2011 [arXiv:1001.3796] - Some of the ratios of moments plotted in figure 2 are collected in this web page.
© Sourendu Gupta. Last modified on 9 Mar, 2025