Marathi Language Resources on the Web
Thanks to many people, mostly anonymous, who continue to send in
links, updates and bug reports to help keep these pages going.
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Basic Information
Fonts and Software
(See also the document on Hindi)
- Proprietary:
- C-DAC, Pune:
Unix, DOS, Windows, Mac;
a range of wordprocessing and related software.
- Deodars Devanagari
TrueType and Type 1 for Windows;
356 characters, originally designed for Sanskrit (cost $50+).
- InProS:
Temporarily disabled (May 14, 1997).
- SaralSoft:
Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Mac, Power PC;
scalable TrueType fonts, point and click typing in Marathi.
- Vijay:
Mac and IBM PC;
Devanagari fonts with phonetic keyboard mapping.
- Unitype:
Windows 95/98 or NT 4.0;
multi-language software including translations between supported
- Shareware/Freeware:
Language Tutorials and Teaching Aids
History and Relationship to other Languages
The Language, Literature and Songs
- Marathi literature:
- Marathi songs and lyrics:
- Marathi Newspapers and magazines:
Other Pages of Marathi Links
© Copyright and disclaimer.
Created on Feb 25, 1996; last updated Aug 26, 2000.