Monsoon Rainfall
Predictions for rainfall and temperature in India for the next 10 days. Detailed weather predictions including satellite images are also available.
Most of the city's annual 1800 mm (70 inches) of rain is deposited by the Indian Ocean Monsoon between early June and mid September. During the same period the suburbs get about 2400 mm of rain. The cumulative rainfall is shown in the graph below.

The maximum daily rainfall ever recorded in the city was 944 mm on July 26, 2005. This is the highest ever rainfall recorded in one day in any city. The previous highest in Mumbai was 575.6 mm on July 5, 1974. The previous record highest anywhere in India was 838.2 mm in one day in Cherrapunji in the north-eastern state of Meghalaya. The world's highest ever rainfall in one day was 1825 mm, as recorded on January 6, 1966 in Fac Fac, on La Reunion island in the Indian ocean.